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Unit 3.3 Heian and Kamakura

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Assignment 3.3 Heian and Kamakura  5 points  All Unit 3 assignments are due 11/24.(11:45 pm) 


Begin your study of the Heian and Kamakura Periods by clicking on the lecture link to Lesson 3.3.  When you finish today's lecture, click on the image above to take you to an article that goes into more detail about one of the most famous Japanese books ever written - the Tale of the Genji.  This story has inspired Japanese artists for over a thousand years.    Your assignment is to read the article and find five ways that the book reflected life in Heian times. Use information from the article to back up your observations.   When you are satisfied with your work, drop it into the 3.3 submission box on Moodle.  

*I will accept late assignments for Unit Three until 11:45 pm on Saturday December 7th with a late penalty/late assignment. .

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