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Unit 2.7:  Ming and Qing Dynasties

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言必信,行必果。"Keep what you say and carry out what you do." Confucius

Assignment 2.7  “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”  15 pts. Pace yourself - turn in two assignments /week. Due 10/15 (11:45 pm) for full credit 

For this activity I would like you to click on the images above to open  links to two different versions of a very famous Chinese Scroll painting called "Along the River During the Qinming Festival".  Many versions of this scroll have been produced over the centuries, but today you will examine these two versions carefully.  Using your keen tech skills (If I can do it, you can do it) I want you to open both of the versions using separate windows so that you can compare the two versions side by side. When you click on each image a window will pop up allowing you to "travel" through the scrolls  by using your finger to slide from the left to right.  Spend some time comparing the two scrolls - looking for differences and similarities between them.  After you have carefully analyzed the scrolls, I want you to write a 150-175 word essay comparing the two versions. Your essay should contain enough content that I can tell that you looked at the entire scrolls, not just the bridge you see on this page.  I expect you to make 7-10 comparisons.  Once you are happy with your essay, go to our Moodle page and use the Turnitin link under Assignment 1.7 to submit your essay. I will accept late assignments for Unit Two  until 11:45 pm on Sunday, Oct. 22nd  with a late penalty/late assignment. The Unit closes on 10/22.

Click on this image to see an animated version of the Qingming Festival Scroll. Seriously, check it out -- It's really cool!

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